Monday, December 19, 2016

BLACK ICE on Hwy 17, both ways, and CALTRAIN will "Never" sand the DANGEROUS ROAD !! Sand Quarries about nearby in Sandy Santa Cruz men's. Someone, like Brown, should be immediately FIRED.

No excuse.
$10,000s of dollars in car accidents ,,, EVERY DAY.
It is exactly like a demolition derby every day. Yes, that DANGEROUS OF A HIGHWAY.

The County and City rich of Santa Cruz commuters should pay for sanding trucks. But SC is rich and cheap. One tiny "homeless shelter". No rent control. City bus driver pay started at $15/hr. Infamous overcharging water company the District Attorney won't investigate has been robbing widows for decades. Why is everyone so afraid of a rich private water company?. Personal enrichment by same old scandalous Capitola City Council bums. Term limits, lazy rich retirees!!  Scandalous Realtors like the guy who told an Arizona rest home dying man the lie his house was condemned and about to be torn down. Sale!, so cheap, so made a $Million. Often polluted beaches. Farmers historically using the most toxic pesticides, especially just South near sea otter release area !! Scandalous politico behavior. Shameful selfish behavior by Santa Cruz Millionaires and Billionaires. What a reputation !!

That's why the PUC let PG&E get away with KILLING 8 PEOPLE  and BLOWING UP 38 HOMES; The small fine was paid for buy 2 customer rate increases. Scandalous. Even the famous COASTAL COMMISSION is packed with say one thing, do the opposite Hypocrites.  Sacramento needs Hercules to clean it up and get all the rich pawns Reps out.

Can you afford to have your car "totalled " wrecked today ?
AVOID Hwy 17 until someone responsibly SANDS THE VERY DANGEROUS SPINOUT HIGHWAY !!

Also ,looking at all the many broken car's parts at 80E Emeryville left turn, piled up along the right concrete barrier. VERY VERY DANGEROUS TURN !!