Sunday, December 17, 2017

What is worse in SF in last 10 years: Bicycle Theft and Public Chop-up Shops all over, and,,, Car Window Smashing!

BROKEN CAR WINDOWS! in Downtown area and even rich Pacific Heights neighborhood , and all over SF!!
Best if you park in a garage, like the 2 piers on the Embarcadero waterfront.
Or Sutter-Stockton Garage a block from Union Square, or 2 lots at lower Broadway, versus parking on Any street!
Some downtown hotels charge $40/day to park your car, or more!
This is a HUGE PROBLEM in SF!
No car is safe parked on the street!

BICYCLE THEFT and too many PUBLIC SIDEWALK BICYCLE CHOP SHOPS they tend to ignore,  along with car theft.

Also the lawless, littering, public health risky HOMELESS PROBLEM is WORSE,  in my opinion.

The "SF FORTY NINERS" football team left for the South Bay and a new big, safe neighborhood Stadium in Santa Clara.  Huge loss for SF.

STANDING DEAD TREES are way too many,  and poorly pruned trees are common. City is hiring 50 new aborist they say.

POTHOLES which SF usually ignores.
Part of Haight Street was expertly repaved,  but Masonic was a rough mess for far too long.
Look at Harriet Street between Brannan and Bryant near the big Jail.
Also Toland street between Evans and Oakdale.

SIDEWALK POWER WASHING is on the general, address by address, rise. But some neighborhoods around Union Square are resistant to daily or weekly cleaning. Shameful filthy public sidewalks!

LITTER on city streets and sidewalks is still a HUGE PROBLEM.

PARKING METER RATES just went Way Up,  variable depending on the time of day!
The tourists won't like that!

And decades of lack of sufficient WHITE CURBS for passenger loading and YELLOW CURBS for deliveries are a Huge headache for work flow in the city.

At least there a several still TIMED TRAFFIC LIGHT STREETS like Franklin and Gough,  Fell and Oak, Pine and Bush,  the beach Great Highway, and hopefully again 19th Avenue and Van Ness-Lombard!
Much needed!

Lots of ONE WAY STREETS help but signs are before the intersection! or too high to see,  so 1st timers beware of driving in SF!  Every year I see semi trailers teeter tottering on one of the flat intersections to STEEP downhill PITCH TRANSITIONS!

PUBLIC PARKING GARAGES and RATES SIGNS need to be Much Larger,  like Sutter -Stockton garage.