Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Technology invention should not steer modern society; Is the Highest Priority of Civilization the huge investment in ai because some filthy-rich Silicon Valley Billionaire CEO has a grudge against limo drivers and thus all low-income drivers?

In the 90s, the 2 major trucking companies in the Midwest had a semi-driver compensation race to the bottom.  Extremely skilled and highly practically educated semi drivers lost all benefits, and watched their hourly pay deeply decline as a test to see how little they would take to drive in rollover winds and blinding snows, inspite of Teamsters Union "representation".  The same thing happened in Frisco with many charter/tour bus company owners meeting regularly to reduce costs of all quality benefits of drivers,  to trade drivers,  and even to blacklist drivers like McCarthy era Hollywood actors, some unfortunate drivers for as long as 4-18 months in California. Why such profitable company abuse of difficult class A / B commercial drivers,  when hard drug addicts from Delaney Street would be cheaper on the newly popular double-decker buses? Or dumb uneducated unskilled rookie drivers from Mexico,  let loose on our highways and byways to risk and maim us all.

I want instead to go after $300/hr lawyers,,,  and federal judges that have the gall to Not rule but only certify 6 major labor violations with over $50,000 stolen in unpaid wages from each employee over 5 years yet quickly and quietly gag ordered force a "settlement" of only $2k-$3k per,,,  and police officers who sit on badly signed corners to easily fill their monthly/weekly traffic ticket $300 each quota,,,and doctors of the VA and KP who now say to real people now "No more antibiotics. They're for dirty factory farms of crammed hogs or chickens or cows."
Let's build fair honest cheaper Robot ai versions of judges, lawyers, cops ala robocop,  doctors that can't remember even one medical field especially after 10 years from any medical school,  and CEOs!, now there is a tremendous waste of money and office space a non-ego Robot could easily replace, without any sexual assault suits or even persistent gender pay differential discrimination.

Who gets to choose which technology is pushed and does it have alot to do with the Frankenstein goal of creating like God instead of understanding and caring?

Again,  I ask you all,  what do you really want next from society, civilization,  our economy and collective creativity, brain power?
Just another clown politician?  Can't  you dream any better than that!?

How many more chauffeurs have to die to these ego maniacs designing too early ai cars?