Thursday, August 09, 2018

Too Bad Toyota Prius is 40-60, too much weight forward in my opinion, FWD of both gas and electric drives plus engine.

Maybe 2nd Generation will be more balanced and AWD capable with electric motors on rear wheels and leave the less crowded gas(regular?) drive engine up front.

Notice how many cars nowadays shy away from saying which models are FWD (front wheel drive) and that they require premium gas, an extra 20c/gallon usually here in Cali. Many.

My guess is the Japanese and Toyota designers are thinking, designing far ahead, and in secret like most car companies.

In this info-age maybe some day,,, we will learn the true cost of cars from the factories.

I got the 40-60 from Google, Prius chat, attributed to CR.
Since i never get a straight full honest answer by going to any brands "build your own" website. And asking.
Timing belt or chain?
Interference engine or non?
Port injected or direct?