Saturday, September 22, 2018

Gavin Newsom might LOOSE if he won't Promise to Fix Gov. Jerry Brown's Big Mistakes, like the 2 Delta huge pumps!

And SB901, the bailout of a utility by ratepayers instead of Shareholders! It's too much pampering of the Cal oil industry that doesn't pay $2B/yr extraction taxes, like all other states!

All these Fracking permits by Brown!!!?
Fracking should, Must be banned in groundwater storage California!

And the cost sharing of closing California's last risky expensive flawed nuclear reactor!

And the PUC raising rates on consumers Twice after the San Bruno 8lives, 38homes ,exploding large gas pipeline that should be Shareholders burden!

And the CCC corruption and development of Martin's Beach, banning public access for a few Richy's!

And protecting felon murderers(SF Pier 14, Kate) by the costly "Sanctuary City" labels that hurt the USa and help irresponsible, criminally cartel overrun, under educated, oil rich Mexico.
An open border is not a border!

More of the same "Democrat" will not do!