Friday, September 07, 2018

I wish the VA hospitals were more honest and reliable to our Veterans!

One medical student wanted to keep me on Pre-diabetic perscription drugs "for the rest of your life".
But I had cut out all sodas and sugary OJs and followed a Nutritionist diet book " Fast Metabolism" for 18 months as my blood sugar went down.

I got the constant ear buzz, tinnitus, but this MD ignored my questions and pleas!
Finally I was told "tinnitus just develops with old age, no cause or treatment or cure."
BS!  So irresponsible!
Then I believe my lab results were falsified to keep me on these perscription drugs "for life" and make my constant buzz tinnitus Louder!

Patient Experience team lied and told me I could return the unopened drugs for full credit.
I had the hearing test and the Very painful earwax vacuum, results were normal.
Was never allowed to see a Ear Specialist MD tho I asked lots... take about an orphan illness!

I stopped taking their drugs and the tinnitus stopped getting louder.
I changed MDs, medical students.
I can only sleep with a natural sleep aid ,I had to find on my own!, Alteril pills.
I strongly distrust the VA.
Much to late, a VA RN yelled at me repeatedly, "You should never take aspirin again!" Yelling?
Any VA doctor would never confirm this.

For many months I asked for a colonoscopy.
" Never mid day at lunch, you must be sedated, and we use salt water gallon drink prep not GoLightly."
For Months I was told this.
Recent they said," yes, mid day appt is fine and always has been, no sedation is fine and always has been, and we always use GoLightly."
So many many lies.

Have you seen the old faded public poster, "22 Veterans died Today from SUICIDE."