Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Gavin Newsom moved from Lt.Gov. to Governor. It's been over 6months. I expected more talk and much more action.

#1, start clearing the "fuel load" all across the State and use the National Guard.
Don't wait for the end of "fire season" next Winter. Ban gum trees.

#2, Ban the diet use of Antibiotics in California animal feed, so it has at least some positive effect on human health.

#3, ban fracking. Make the oil industry clean up.

#4, promote hydrogen fuel cell cars and expensive electricity here for expensive , flammable , still experimental electric cars in a big State with 400miles from SF to LA.

#5, ban cigarette filters.

#6, outlaw non-recyclable plastic. Require the industry to collect sort and safely recycle all California plastic.

#7, privatize the DMV and Caltrans that wasted $6B on the new flawed Oakland Bay Bridge.

#8, ban Roundup that never should have been sold. Start a new strict control on toxic farm chemicals.

#9, Help Public School teachers by allowing them to move their salaries and senority anywhere in the State. Ban gold handshakes and wasteful gold