Thursday, July 25, 2019

You may have heard the News talk about pedestrian deaths in San Francisco and how drivers are to blame. Not true! Blame the red light walking and running pedestrians and the lack of police on the street downtown!

Everybody in town knows this.

But nobody wants to talk about it or do anything about it!, like ticketing pedestrians that walk on a red light or start walking in a crosswalk on a red hand signal. I just saw a woman at Embarcadero4 walk across the crosswalk on a yellow light, way too late, impeding right turning traffic!

Remember that tourism is by far and away the number one business of San Francisco.
And the sfpd are usually rarely seen  on sidewalks downtown.
The sfpd has been very ineffectual at stopping the recent rash of bicycle theft to public sidewalk bicycle chop shops, nor the rash of car window smashing day and night all over town!
Shootings have commonly happened on Mason Street just west of Union Square in the Tenderloin neighborhood.

What is needed is a massive increase it daytime downtown patrols by DPT and MTA, educating pedestrians at crosswalks.
And as is necessary, ticketing dangerous selfish risky pedestrian lawbreakers, even if from foreign countries or Marin.