Tuesday, January 06, 2009

We have a new euphemism for "going to the toilet" in America: it is "going to the bank"

The American bankers say they did not ask for any bailout money,,,Heck ,they stole enough up until last year when the lastest banker scam busted !!

So now, if you are really embareassed about saying ,"excuse me, but i must go and find a,,,you know,,,",,,
now you can say, with the same feeling of national embareassment " excuse me, but i need to find a bank."

Now if you are really in physical distress and think you might be gone for a much longer time, and come back sweaty and smelly, then you can say, "please excuse me, i have to go to Congress."

Thank the Republican National Party-poopers for all their smelly disgusting behavior of last few decades,,,