Thursday, February 26, 2009

Isn't it curious,,,The Republicans were to first to hand out $BILLIONS for the international disaster they created,,,yet they are so quick to criticiz

e the "change" team of Democrats,and Rep. brave enough to vote that the Rep. Party and Rep. Presidency has been a looming 3rd world economic disaster for the former middle class US of A . Let's see, when the Republicans hand out $BILLIONS to American bankers ,,,and the bankers go on extravagant junkets in Vegas or Half Moon Bay Ritz it is ignored and ok,,, but when the Democrats try to stop this banker abuse of trust and wasteful use of taxpayer dollars, then the Republicans complain ?!! This is one SICK party. The Swiss Bank, USB, can come over here and violate our USA laws with TAX FELONIES ON AMERICAN SOIL,,,and the Republicans do nothing about it. SICK ,SICK, so very LOST.

And when the bankers give themselves golden parachutes and end of year bonuses on Wall Street for most banks and broker firms totally in the $BILLIONS of your and my, OUR, hard earned TAX DOLLARS,,,that is ok by the Reprobate Republicans,,,,but when the "change" Democrats and brave others try to pull us as a Nation back from the Republican-caused BRINK OF FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC COLLAPSE,,,the Republicans are against such care for the Nation and the less than super rich, meaning most of us Americans !!?!!

Ms. Matlin was on the Today Show this morning STILL speaking for tax breaks for the rich,,,,YIKES as ACTUALLY one guy making OVER $3BILLION and only paying the low 15% federal tax rate is not INSANE EXCESS ENOUGH ENOUGH ENOUGH,,,what can this one person do with OVER $3BILLION that a thousand or million people would not be more beneficial to the national economy ?

The Republican Party is trying to recreat the French days of Louis the 14th and Marie Antoinette and "let them eat cake!" when the rich were ALL THAT MATTERED and all the rest of the people could barely buy bread, the streets were open sewers not the grounds of Versailles, and the average persons life was considered without value or much rights. That MAY BE appealing to some sicko greedy selfish rich-bastards like Maddoff and Abramoff and the Republicans,,,but that is NOT THE AMERICAN DREAM, and even with our rich founding fathers was not their dream for US !!

If you want to end up, SOON, LIKE CORRUPT UNEDUCATED TRASHED AND CRIME-RULED MEXICO, keep voting Republican, because that is where their policies were taking US all !!