Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Do you Really want to buy a Super Expensive fabric and metal coil mattress that you can not clean ,,, or a foam futon top mattress you can clean in your tub?

  It has amazed me since i became an adult and moved out of the family house and the college dorm brick cell-like shared tiny room and had to consider buying my own bed, how very very Very Expensive your average cloth and steel spring mattresses are !!  $300 ,,, $400 ,,, $500 !! ,,, and it is just fabric, stuffing, and wood and or metal framing and springs !!  OUTRAGEOUS !!

So luckily when i was young in the 70s and the hippies were around, FUTONS stores were abundant in SF and Berkeley and the SFBayArea.  So i went in to one, on Haight Street, and talked to the sales guy.  He said it would last me many many years, made of high quality foam, and i could un-zip the 3 sections covers and take the 3 foam blanks out , about 5 or 6 inches thick, and wash them in the tub with soap and water.  It was very cheap back then, less than $100 i think.  And i have washed the cover several times and the foam in the tub with soap and water, letting the tub drain, then half filling with water and rinsing, and draining again, without having to lift the wet foam in the tub. I sometimes rinse twice.  So easy and i have a clean sterile mattress again !!

You can NOT do THAT with a regular cloth, padding, and wood-steel frame $$$$$ mattress !!  

And people are now worried about bedbugs in hotel beds.  What about your own bed ?  How old is it and how much dead skin , oil , sweat , and ick do you think/ don't want to think are in that top mattress !??

Compared to most mattresses i have slept on , i will take a cheap 'hippie' foam futon top mattress ANY NIGHT for COMFORT !!

Wake up, America , after a better and healthier nights sleep ,,, on a cheaper, better, washable, more comfortable, much cheaper! , foam futon 3 section mattress !!  (Yes, your standard fitted bottom sheets will still fit.)

So far ,,, i have never bought a standard 'American' fabric and padding and wood-metal top mattress -- i just LAUGH OUT LOUD AT THE PRICES WHEN I WALK BY A DISPLAY IN COSTCO OR WHERE EVER --  and at this rate and super comfortable sleep, i probably Never will buy a typical fabric and padding and metal spring mattress.

No help from Consumer Reports.  I discovered this cheaper , cleaner, healthier option on my own.  

Oh, and i have a friend in SoCal who sells these new foreign-made super-Expensive foam mattresses ,,, for $Thousands!! ,,, and he is LAUGHING all the way to the Bank at the Fools spending $20,000 to $30,000 for one of these Super-Expensive foreign brand, foam beds !!