Monday, June 06, 2011

June 2011: Crucial tip in buying a toilet,,, You must stick your hand in the 'trap" to see if it is glazed, like the bowl, or ROUGH and will catch and clog TP !!

I have called both Home Depot and Lowe's and they have not put the critical information on all their toilets displayed above reach in their warehouses!!

Evidently, this is considered a "toilet top secret",,,what with Republican de-regulation and the current pro-business attitude of Congress.  So ,,, BUYER BEWARE !!

My folks own 2 very expensive toilets, a KOHLER and a TOTO,,, and BOTH are not glazed traps !!  The toilet salesperson did not tell them, and they did not do the research to know TO ASK!!

You should be aware of the distance from the wall, the tank exit diameter or 2in or 3in or 4 inches for more force, and the GLAZED or UNGLAZED (one toilet in HomeDepot almost tore a gash in my hand in the dry trap!!) TRAP,,, and whether the trap diameter is 2in or 2.5in or 2 5/8inches for less likely obstruction.

Guys , you probably want an oval bowl ,,, for the 'family jewels', right?