Friday, June 10, 2011

There will be little progress against STDs UNLESS THE FEMALE CONDOM IS WIDELY AVAILABLE AND USED BY WOMEN. Why? Because men experience tearing and frequent roll-off with MIEN'S CONDOMS,,,AND BASICALLY HISTORY SAYS YOU CAN NOT TRUST MEN !!

As a man,senior citizen with scads of experience,I wish the "Oprah Show" had done something positive, besides make Oprah W. super rich, selling books.  OK, lots of people were reading those books.  But did, socially on a large scale, anything change?

Equal pay for women in the old USA might have been nice, if she could have inspired her mostly female viewers to political action.  But, no.

Greater sexual understanding, woman's comfort in their own skin with their sexuality, and better sexual health thru education and advocacy would have been nice.  I meet a 62 yr old very attractive woman last year, we got in a phone call and email long distance relationship, but it ended because she could not even talk about masturbation.  OK, so no greater women's knowledge, responsibility, and acceptance /comfort with women's own bodies and sexuality.  Sad, a second huge social women's opportunity missed.

And what about making women better drivers, instead of my personal laughing stock and red flags on the road?  Gee, guess Oprah was too busy make $Millions and $Billions, coming from poverty it is very common for women to do ANYTHING to get rich and not be poor.   And i mean anything, run away from a child and marriage when the first silicon millionaire EE flirts, etc.  Guess Oprah was not interested in saving women's lives behind the wheel of a car.  Gee, so MANY missed opportunities !!

i could go on ,,, and on.  Gays may just shallowly admire her POPularity and SUCcess ,,, that is fine, for them.  Like that Microsoft guy with a huge Billion/Trillion personal fortune from a very mediocre product with horrible customer service if any, i say , on the larger social scale,"so what, all that money has made little or no difference for the betterment of mankind."  What a shame.