Thursday, December 13, 2012

When!?,,, is Google Maps going to give us driving moving street view,,,horizontally and pan left or right and speed up or slow down, road maps ,,, we can virtual "drive" ,,, just like they do with their camera cars !?

Aerial maps have progressed with photographic and traffic and labeled even if you tilt and rotate(oooh) and indoor,,, but land aerial is old hat. Map makers have been doing land aerials for 100s and 1000s of years.

Where is the live satelite ocean aerials so we can watch cruise liners cross the Carribean?   Let's see  realtime all those sleep deprived idiot/foolishly unsafe and unhealthy cigarette chain smoking, rude and crude captains, shoddy poorly maintained and unready U.S. Coast Guard open doorway hatches-folly allowed ships, crab boats out on the Bering! 

If Google Maps takes all these cars out on the road to film in all directions, why can't we users 'drive' and pan virtually on roads, before actually driving the route? Mouse/scroll up for faster and mouse left to scan more left as travel on route.

Also want to be able to fly-by slow down a coast and see it horizontally. Hawaii or California or Jersey to see all the damage.  Why is this not obvious to the insulated techs at Google Maps?  With labels so i can see the names of beach side restaurants and hotels and famous landmarks.

All this flap about how bad the current Apple Maps are,,, well it took Years for Costco Santa Cruz, not 3 pins for the inside Opticians office!!!, to appear. Posted "problem w this map",,, and waited MONTHS and YEARS!,,, I am still waiting on so many businesses for the option to "rate this business",,,like Olukai's business address in Ca. and Hawaii,,,and like 2450 S. Bascom, San Jose, which is NOT an official EDD office, tho that is the LIE  lettered on the front door. PS- Beware of their bad advice, like "you can file up to 18months" instead of immediately!! with real official online website of EDD,,, not some bogus phoney office staffed by lazy good for nothing idiots who misrepresent themselves as actual official EDD state employee staff.

Ok, i'm asking.
Is Google Maps,,, listening??