Monday, February 25, 2013

Dumb choice by Apple: Apple requires there company sub-contracted campus shuttle bus drivers also have a SPAB/school bus drivers license in addition to a CDL/commercial drivers license. Don't they care or know, per recent ABC tv documentary, that SPAB drivers by greedy subcontractors are relatively underpaid compared to school district employees and statistically no safer than regular CDL drivers !?

If Apple really cared about safer subcontracted corporate shuttle bus drivers on their property/campuses and huge parking lots in distant spots, they would use the old UPS tool of the Smith System, linked with a lab video game class on safer driving choices(make it fun instead of the usual SPAB boring sleepy class with a hostile CHP officer), interspersed with actual behind the wheel driving testing.  Any professional bus industry rep could tell them that.

But Apple seems to want to be unwise and foolish with its employees safety and lives and continue to insist , in a simple but different industry called transportation, that it wants 'safer' school bus licensed drivers with the usual CDLs, and from greedy subcontractors.  Ha!! I was a SPAB in the 1970s and it contributes little to practical behind the wheel safety since it mainly stresses rote memorizing of check off forms for bus pre-trip inspections. A school bus driver license, in California, is a false assumption of added safety to a CDL, a fraud!, ask any school bus driver, as recently proven in the ABC documentary tv news report.

Watch the recent ABC documentary report reveal, Apple.  Your employees deserve better mgmt choices. And please get a top row 'send' button on your Mail draft file !

Wall Street Journal?  New York Times? 
Washington Post? San Jose 'smerc' ?