Tuesday, February 26, 2013

U.S. immigration policy and result in 2012. A young Chinese born man is given U.S. citizenship, when we legal born residents are less secure economically because our Congress is slothful and compromised by campaign contributions that do not benefit the Common Good. So the answer is to allow 11M illegal aliens to have their children be legal residents ,,, and give them cheap and near worthless U.S. citizenship!? Hell no.

I called Comcast cable for customer service and they sent this China-born young man with new U.S. citizenship.
He came into my carpeted apartment without the shoe covers that Comcast brags about on their tv commercials.  I asked him "Where are the shoe covers?" i left them in the truck. "Well please go back and get them."

Comcast says, says they will give you 'credit' on your bloated overpriced , way to profitable bill if you complain about this.  What they do is give you a couple or 3 pay per view channels for a month, tho they are not marked in your tv listing and you have to put a post-it on the tv to remind yourself that a tv station in the 400s or 500s is briefly not way overpriced.

The China-born young man and new Comcast employee was taking cables and components out of plastic bags and just dropping the plastic ties and bags on the carpet in my bedroom, instead of using the trash can. So i brought the trash can over to him from the corner of the room and asked him to "please use the trash can". He continued to litter my bedroom carpeted floor. I politely asked again "please use the trash can." What , no trash cans in China!?  Just litter the countryside?

Now how does this help the U.S. and those of us out of work over a year because of the crash of 2008, due to Congress and a string of regressive Democrat and super-regressive Republican Presidents that a young man born in China can come to the USA and get a job ahead of a legal resident and do it so badly?  Does this help China?  Who wants to live in these second and third world countries, but the USa(Congress) has been giving tax breaks like company moving costs to go overseas are tax deductible for way too long; We can not and seemingly will not give jobs to those of us legally born here and there are not enough for even a small percentage of those that want to come here to be legal citizens and live with dual citizenship or not. 

This hurts the legal resident middle class with stagnant wages or declining wages. In my industry an $18/hr bus driving job in California is now a $15/hr job, if you are lucky, even tho rents keep rising like the non-competitive price of gasoline every Spring.  Housing purchase is less possible than in the 40s and 50s , because of deregulation and pandering to the rich corporations that are super profitable but do not pay any Federal taxes, not just multi-million paid yearly people that do not pay above a low ceiling on SSN taxes for Social Security. That makes absolutely no sense.

Yet we can not get Congress to act responsibly and more than slothfully. The President, according to a Bill Moyer's tv show, told someone before the election how he wants to go down in history as the person who severely cuts Social Security and hurts the working poor and shrinking still "middle class"! How did the media not tell us during the campaign about this!?  How can a black man President be so hostile to the working poor?

He is a weak leader this first black President and tho very well educated and a good public speaker , seems to be more interested in benefiting the already rich and comfortable , too big to fail , national risk takers, the Wall Street bankers who helped him with campaign contributions get elected. He has not done what he said he would do , either specifically nor philosophically. 

What if our first black President, very smart high IQ, well educated benefit of our society and earned wealthy, is only remembered for helping the super profitable and super rich and super risky to our Nation, not the Common Good, but the Wall Street bankers who just in 2008 almost collapsed the economy with the biggest white collar theft by corporations probably in the Nation's history?  And that is all he is remembered for, that not one of these white collar corporations-criminals bankers and mortage faudsters and rating agency liars has gone to jail, tho they got Congress to take the main safety gate of Glass-Stegal from the Great Depression off the law books to the disadvantage of the Common Good?

The USA is in serious trouble, economically and politically. Stay in your home country and make it better if you can, even nightmare Mexico, as moving here may seem on the surface to be better, our living standard is still falling like our wages. Add a bloated risky stock market, corporations stealing private 'db' and 'dc' pensions and most public pensions are dangerously underfunded, a seriously flawed 401k retirement saving option, a dithering irresponsible Congress that won't simplify and make fair without personal 'rifleshots' and corporation 'loopholes' in the tax code, take away extravagant gifts like the 50-80 $Bs yearly in oil industry deductions that we clearly can not afford, and the low tax rate for stock profits that we clearly can not afford, and the Bush tax breaks for super profitable corporations and the rich that we never have been able to afford. And a bloated out of control military budget that we have not been able to afford for decades. The USA is in serious trouble still.