Friday, February 08, 2013

My WGHS buddy's daughter just spun out-lost traction on Hwy 17 in light rain. BEWARE !!

Daily commuters may know this, but most of us think 17 after all the $$$ spent on a new median barricade , drainage system, and repaving over years and years of traffic construction delays, would be much safer.

Caltrans does not get reports from tow truck companies so how can they say they know the stats on collisions, accidents, and spin-outs/ loss of traction when they obviously have such incomplete data? Do they get all reports from the CHP as to probable cause, such as loss of traction/spin outs in light rain? Not just heavy rain hydroplaning.

Caltrans says they will only SAND when it SNOWS,,, not if it is just cold and BLACK ICE forms!!  That is THE MOST DANGEROUS CONDITION ON A HIGH SPEED, 50MPH LIMIT, HIGHWAY !!  When it snows at least most people know to slow down, but when it is cold and you are inside a heater-on warm car, most of us do not expect and do not see BLACK ICE , until it is too late.  
That means $1000s in TOTALLY UNNECESSARY BODY SHOP WORK AND INCREASED INSURANCE COMPANY PREMIUM PAYMENTS !! Why doesn't the San Jose Mercury News paper take this political task on of finding out who,top to bottom of state govt., supports such a risky expensive policy as not sanding Ca.'s black ice highways like 17 and getting public pressure to get them to be more responsible and representative of the common good?

Now we have a Democrat Governor and a 'super majority' Democrat State Legislature; So that means this is as good as and as progressive vs regressive as it is going to get in California.  So goes California lately, so goes the Nation.  A 'Democrat'  Governor Grey Davis got us bankrupt with Enron(see dvd movie) and his "deregulation" as he said on tv as Governor that the market will lower the cost of home gas and electricity(lie).  President Clinton, Democrat, signs away the most important lesson--ask any lawyer or stock broker or history professor-- of the Great Depression, the Glass-Stegal Act separating investment banks from savings banks. President Obama 'said' he would close Guantanamo's torture prison, but has not yet, even after 4 years and into his second term. And he has not stopped the Pebble Mine and other waiting environmental catastrophes. We can expect no more in so much less from 'Democrats'.(Green Party?)

Back to more local problems; Do i need to mention all the Huge costly failings of Caltrans, again?  Accepting Hwy 87 substandard construction N-S thru San Jose, to have to have it rebuilt when the elevated landfill freeway started sinking and sagging!!?  Spending $$$$$M rushed in a month to repair the damaged eastern Bay Bridge after the 1989 earthquake, only to learn on completion that the bridge was built on now rotten wood pilings in the water and mud , and the 1936 bridge had to be torn down and replaced!!?  The the replacement project has been a botched nightmare of incompetence costing untold $$$$M and extra years of still unfinished work !!

Huge hidden campaign contributions must be taken out of politics, yet both parties want to put the electorate to sleep for 2 to 4 years. Where are our progressive leaders?