Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The 3 Nov 2015 election was supposed to be a "county test of mail-in voting". Only 29.5% voted in San Mateo County. Pathetic civic responsibility !!

The official county mailer of "voter information" had so little information.  That was a big problem.

State law currently does not allow the candidates party choice to be published on the ballot. "Non-partisan". As if there is no difference between Dems and Republicans!  Another obvious huge mistake from Sacramento.

But it is legal to call the SM county and ask for the city council candidates chosen party.

Eric is registered Democrat.
Thank you for running Sir and speaking for renters, the majority.

Emily is registered Republican.

Donna is registered non-partisan.

Nirmala is registered "Democrat".
(Does Hillary know?)

And a write-in candidate I did not know about, very pro renter, was a renter named Alex Kent.
I would have voted for you had I known. Sorry.