Saturday, March 12, 2016

Season, Aloha from your Father.

I am so surprised and proud to meet you.

My father and long wide family always told me as a child I was "the last male, the sole heir to carry on the family's good genes."
Lots of women like your mother don't know how to take a contraception pill every day and get pregnant; it happens a lot. I guess I was an "accident" being born only one year after my oldest sister and I never have regretted it. A love child; And I saw how deeply and truely my parents loved each other for many years. Dad suddenly died last year and your should know what a humble hardworking master craftsman, hunter and fisher and perfectionist teacher he was. A secret true hero of ww2 as one of the first Seals. And survived the Depression tho his parents lost the Melrose peach farm North of Marysville and had to lose the dear japanese family and give him to relatives. Your Grandfather was a tall big strong man, like his son, nicknamed "Duke", like the famous Hawaiian. So I am sorry your mother has decided to keep that from you. Maybe you had a good in-law, stepfather. Should your mother have told me she was pregnant by me, "loved me" as she said, but did not have the honesty to tell me she was going to have you secretly? I am so sorry for her decision and would never do that to You, my child, for any reason, so please do not repeat your mother's mistake. She can be as mad at me as she secretly wants to be. I am a poor hard working man.

Aloha, my Season. Your are so beautiful and so kind. I could not ask for a better daughter. I will always respect and love you and thank you, Mahalo, for secretly telling me you are my daughter. Thank you so much for inviting me for a cup of chocolate. Yes, I have "the gift".

I am so glad you got to briefly meet my Mother and your Grandmother, Betty, such an exceptional hardworking loving woman; You really should know that she was the leader of the local girl scouts troop and president of the local PTA many times, a retired Home Ec. teacher and a fabulous cook. She loves to dance and ski and be active, and garden. And she loves the beach and Hawaii, so maybe you are more like her than you knew. So I hope you inherited all those good rare qualities too. She was a wonderful "Mom" with a wooden ruler in the kitchen drawer to spank my wild bottom! She never gossips or speaks ill of anyone. She was so beautiful, like you. And she loved me as the only son so much. I so wish you would spend more time with her before she dies; My mistakes and your mother's mistakes are not Her's. Live Aloha, Season.

Aloha and Mahalo, my Season.
I am so proud of you.