Sunday, April 03, 2016

Pope Francis, aren't all these Catholic church-high schools just 1% elist factories that succeed by the 99% peoples low pay no raise jobs and higher and higher legal but unjust and unaffordable rents?

Like St. Catherine's in Burlingame.  The adults don't seem to have the Golden Rule common touch.  Is it considered to be "good Catholic" to charge your tenants 17% rent increases year after year, and over 10% for years before that ?  Is greed really a sin or just good Catholic, misery-making business ?  These students are just as deaf to the declining usa plight of the 99% as there parents are. So where is the Christianity in these Catholic church schools, Pope Francis ?
We are in a 1% greedy crisis over here in the usa. Maybe you are man enough to help all faiths and all nations in the current war of the rich vs the poor. I hope you can. Our President and Congress have failed US, again. We are in crisis. We desperately need some hope justice and leadership.