Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Women, the female gender, in Cal politics:no benefit.

Feinstein, Pelosi, Boxer, Speier, whomever, should have done more for women and the general public but didn't. They are all very rich, by the way.

Rape in the US military:still common.

Rape on US college and university campuses:still common and very common at many.

Equal pay for women:no progress.

Find causes and cures for breast cancer, uterine cancer: oh, another year and another decade of fundrasing, but little hope from medical establishment.

Womens equality in the work force:Guess we will have to blame all the men in Congress for most gender inequalities.

So don't expect much from Hillary. Her history says it all.
And Bill's. Remember "Learn from history or suffer repeating it."?