Sunday, November 27, 2016

Mr. Trump ,first Presidential Order must be a ban on all just cause less EVICTIONS. Even the police don't have this abusive power, yet landlords think they are Medieval !!

This is too much.

Crimping or Shanghai-ing was allowed as a shipping business abuse until the Seamans Act of 1915 !! Some men among millions were ship held captive workers for up to 6 years, legally !!  This is too much.

Business MUST be properly regulated or they will enslave us.

Do you remember the 1995-2000  ".com boom" when famous economists, like the tragic Greenspan, told us it was "new rules and a new economy, no need for profit in any .com company, just invest invest invest !!"

Something like $6T lost.
I was driving limo in SF Soma and saw the "party" going on.  These .com companies would go to Napa on work days and Cabo on long weekends. Beautiful young college grads were everywhere in Soma , few old plain or ugly people. Then the sudden crash. And foolish investors lost over $6T.
How could so many economists be so wrong !?  How could the feds not stop this ? Will we ever learn from our mistakes ?

PG&E's big underground gas line exploded killing 8 people and blowing up 38 house-suburban homes in San Bruno, Ca., near to SF.  The state finally did a pittance fine and the company just raised their prices, twice, so the company's customers paid the fine, plus !  And Sacramento state Capitol is fine with not one Mgr going to jail for even the weekend.
KILLED 8 people. Customers.

Right now we are watching the bankers "free trade" move factories and jobs away, lowering the value of our work, and with an open southern border that has thousands and millions coming here illegally to have lots of children ,illegally. The 14th has been so twisted from slavery and slaves. Violent gangs control for decades large portions of LA and now Salinas Fresno Modesto and San Jose.  Is Los Altos and Atherton next ?

Remember the recession of just recently 2008 when many banks hired thousands to forge mortgages ?  So many people lost there houses and homes.  Especially hard hit was Stockton, a once better than average Central Valley city.  How could the feds let this happen ?

No one is talking nationwide but for years during Obama rule banks have been allow to steal almost all interest on savings accounts !! Last year I got .54 cents bank interest on $25,000 in a savings account !!  Banks are still stealing, from all of US and for years !!  Why ??

The Guru from Omaha says 2017 will be a "debt crisis" worldwide, with Japan crashing and the EU too.

What are you going to do, Mr. Trump ?