Wednesday, February 01, 2017

A lot of 'Just Pretty Faces' like Gavin Newsom think they can just wink at the Voters and get Elected to Public Office. Doing next to nothing as Lieutenant Governor doesn't recommend him for Governor, tho California has had a lot of Bad or mediocre leaders put up by the hidden politic machine.

There are serious issues, like Realtors remaining in the Dark Ages with their "right" to no-fault evictions of even old widows. Rent control not just for a few, but for None!! Or All, maybe.
A nice smile may gloss over that.

The maximum fine of $3M for PG&E's carelessness in killing 8 people and blowing up 38 homes just doesn't seem like justice. Especially when corrupt Sacramento let the pig pass on the fine cost to customers in two approved rate increases, enough for even more profit, kind of like a reward for Killing 8 of any of us.

The too powerful and too little taxed oil industry has been rather secretly poisoning our California ground water areas, fracking, toxic poisons that will last for centuries and millenniums. Just to get the very last oil.

And the too powerful Ag industry will not have their pesticides and other poison tested for efficiency and safety first. Even if your daughter turns out to be sterile and can not have any children and your son is extremely anti-social and just likes to blow up people and buildings, "gaming" on his private tv.

We have been taking too much for too long. 96% of N.coast redwoods logged and clear-cutting continues.
The Sacramento's huge king salmon commercial fishery is almost completely gone ,also the Sport fishery. Abalone commercially overfished so that sf-sd is Permanently Closed.  Fishing stocks right off our coast are still severely overfished, so much so that seal pups were starving on the beach. We have not had the usual 8ft of snowpack at Donner Pass 7000ft elevation in so so long. And Governor Jerry wants to channel even more water South; Good thing he and his Sister were busted for unethical oil deals, or whatever. As a big populous State and the 6th largest economy in the World, we Californians are in for Big Trouble; Heard of the coming Debt Crisis? All we really seem capable of doing is making the very few extremely rich. Tired of seeing the lengthening soup lines yet of your fellow citizens?
"Smile!", you spineless political Candidates.

Why is it so darn difficult to make good leaders !!