Thursday, February 02, 2017

SHOPPERS BEWARE: The "DEBBIE MEYER GENIUSVAC BAGS food saver system of vacuum food, ziplock bags and noisy vacuum pump are,,,NOT RECOMMENDED.

The DEBBIE MEYER GENIUS VAC BAGS system, rather,  is unsatisfactory.

The hand held vacuum is very noisy.

The small vacuum does not seal well with the special valve on the ziplock food bag.

The ziplock does not stay locked sometimes.

I can put up with this.
But my 98 yr old ,spry, retired Home Ec. public school teacher Mom can not.

I bought a set for me to try.
And Mom.
And Sis.
Now it is all going to Goodwill.
Or return to Debbie Meyer, HSN / QVC.

Had the same problem with other food containers:

Pyrex was too heavy with glass cubes and glass lids in various sizes.

Tried Debbie Meyer's green plastic containers, but just one small ear was too hard for Mom to open.

Tried various plastic containers.
All to Goodwill.

Even found glass boxes with easy light green lids.
Mom said, "Too heavy."
So I have that set too.

Finally found , think it is Rubbermaid, clear plastic boxes in different sizes . And clear lids to see the food. But with Wide rubber red  rim that is so easy to open or close.
Dishwasher safe.
Easy to use.
Mom actually can use these!!
Problem solved!!
(I don't like plastic, but trust Rubbermaid.)

Trial and error error error.