Thursday, June 01, 2017

I am so disappointed with the Greed, Ignorance, Defensiveness, and Same Old Same of Western Medicine.

Let's start with ,,,
Your medical records are the property of every doctor in every State you ever visited.
The efficacy and obvious Right of every paying or free care patient to their medical records is still strongly fought.

Next, even the worst doctors or dentists are equally protected.
The AMA and ADA refuse to change in spite of overwhelming evidence of the benefit to change.
I have had 2 Kaiser orthopedic surgeons lie, "second opinion", that I only tore my quad, instead of a complete separation, to save the liable medical insurance cost of a simple operation. I had a famous SJ podiatrist allow his medical school graduate-only son to illegally operate while I was under general anesthesia and botch one of the 2 bunion simple surgeries.
I had a zealot Dr. Emmott sign "vasectomy" only orders for bilateral hernia repair and Mills Peninsula pushed the clearly wrong Surgical Orders ,"oh, found the correct one!", as a lie 3 times. I could go on and on.
Like Dr. Peel in Willow Glen who drilled holes in good teeth to make cavities, back in the 1950s and 60s.

There are way too many risky expensive unnecessary cesarian surgeries because doctors don't like waiting.
And they don't have the basic midwife skill to turn babies in the womb.
So my Mom's only Sis had a pinched umbilical cord in delivery and was an EMR expensive "child" her entire long almost 80 years life.

Cancer was ,according to Ken Burn's documentary, treated with Chemo therapy because of a WW2 germ warfare wacko, not good science and good medical research. Radiation therapy was also a black bag grab because of an aggressive uranium salesman. And sawbones scary radical surgery has still not gone away.
Even with PRP.
The public has given way too much money to breast cancer research where it was quickly wasted and spent on lavish lifestyles of MDs.

Why is medical research so,,, slow,,, to progress?
I know a Einstein-like genius PhD. who suddenly quit all medicine when she found out her brilliant treatment research would not be used, ever, for the deadliest microbes.

Why is a computer knowledge base so anathema when I have had docs pull out a huge PDR book right in front of me.
"I have no idea what this is."

Why are referrals to Specialists so hard to get !?
To save money when expensive paid insurers should be getting full best medical care?
My 99 year old ,great genes and healthy, Mom can't even see a Kaiser dermatologist for 2 dark brown toenail fungus problems, for years. Tight gatekeeper PCPs reduce medical insurance cost and increase profits.

Why can the simplest treatments be so quickly forgotten and ignored.
Got poison oak rash my whole life. Once so bad the GP doc insisted ,when I came out of 2 week bedroom hiding, on a 3 day effective cortisone shot.
In the 60s Tecnu soap was invented by the military to wash off WW3 nuclear fallout and it works great washing off all 3 poison oak, ivy ,and sumac sticky oil in the first 24hrs; but many docs and even famous Dermatologists don't know about it. Can you see all those children unnecessarily suffering?

What will it take for Western Medicine to grow up and get science-real?