Thursday, June 29, 2017

2017 SF "tourist season" annual warning to all Tourist and first-timers about Neighborhoods and Streets to avoid in SF due to High Crime and lack of Adequate Policing!!

First,  N-bound on 101, DO NOT TAKE the 3rd street exit N. thru the "3rd street hood. "!!
Very poor and very high crime,  day or night!!

Also "South San Francisco" is not part of SF and is in a separate County.

There are many many affordable motels on the original main Peninsula boulevard "El Camino Real " (before Hwy 101 and 280 were built and commute traffic maxed out)and good public mass transit by bus,  Caltrain(my choice), or lousy BART.  or cheap UBER/safer LYFT taxi service.
If SF is too expensive.
Or too noisy and dirty for you.

Neighborhoods to AVOID,  day/nite:
1-S.E. Quarter of SF,  including 3rd St., Bayview and Hunter's Point. Basically Everything East of 101, and South of Mariposa .

2-the Tenderloin,  whether Frisco puts it on the map or not,  both sides of Market,  West of Union Square to Van Ness.

3-the Western Addition,  new and old "projects", South of Geary across from safer Japantown, West from Gough st. to Alamo Square almost.

4-Shooter's Alley and Bernal Heights,  North of Cow Palace and Geneva to the Mission District,  West of highway 101.

5-the Burger King on Market X Grove.  3 people were recently shot on the sidewalk.  Never enough walking cops!

Google Maps should be brave enough to warn tourists and the general public visiting on business of historic, locally well know Bad Dangerous Unsafe likely to see or hear a shooting,  neighborhoods. 

Like Richmond city and East Palo Alto city.
Eastside,  San Jose.
Lower / West Oakland.
But they don't.