Sunday, June 04, 2017

MICROSOFT has lots of blame responsibility for www./Web INSECURITY !! Why ??

Not only do they keep 100s of SPAM messages on all your devices more than a day.
YES, open that Spam folder and see how much junk is kept there!!

But when you tap "details" in Hotmail-Outlook to see a Sender's FULL EMAIL ADDRESS, it is still not shown to you, the Receiver !!
Such blantant dishonesty.
What Mischief !!

And Microsoft allows jumbled letters addresses by people up to NO GOOD to send you FRAUDULENT Fake emails from Reputable websites like Costco and the Sierra Club !!
This puts all of us AT RISK of INFECTED COMPUTERS that take 40hrs and $1000s to software dissemble, clean, and reload safely !!

What a NUISANCE !!