Thursday, August 17, 2017

BART is way too expensive, and this proves it! Time to RE-Engineer the system !

BART says they can not afford the extension from relative luxury Pleasanton to relative poor Livermore, about 5 miles for over $1B !!

If BART was well and cost efficiently designed in the first place as an electric train able to go over 70mph, it could and should be extended to TRACY, as 580 highway is Max-ed out !!
Our grossly under designed 4x4 Bay Area freeways are all Commuter Max-ed out, even 1x1 highway 37 !!

A State Conference Must be heald about mass transit in the future in California !! And maybe a worldwide design contest, like for the successful Vietnam Memorial.

Compared to other world cities mass transit, BART can never be more than THIRD RATE and we Tax Payers deserve better cost efficient use of our money !!