Tuesday, August 01, 2017

VETERANS are being CHEATED by the V.A. !

My last bill from the V.A. was "$42 credit,  $30 charges,  so you owe $30"!

It was bad enough being Birthday Lottery dragged kicking and screaming, out of a "2S" 4 year college with a better than 2.5GPA and an alcoholic abusive college advisor by that major quack President Nixon,  then to be major Sleep Deprived in the Navy for 2 endless boring years,  have cigarette by carton addiction pushed on me by the Navy, be exposed to a sailor with short time Fatal TB,  serve with mostly constantly jittery coffee drinkers all day and night long,  many who were big time Alcoholics,  barely High School graduates, many sailors in Service by Judge decree "or jail",  and had zero opportunity for PT/PE. Zero. Big time class structure problems in the Navy then versus "one team" in the ranks.

Veterans are treated lousy at the main SF Bay Area Hospital in Palo Alto. Very poor attitude.

The SF V.A. Hospital is littered and generally unclean.

Veterans in the Bay Area have paid over 10% RENT INCREASES for Years, just like all rental victims in CA. !
This abuse of those who Served by going to Hellholes like Vietnam,  Iran,  Iraq,  and Afghanistan MUST STOP!

the G. I. Bill for education and buying a tiny first house or condo is TOTALLY INADEQUATE.

I challenge famous veteran and Senator JOHN mcCAIN to do better than cheap lip service for ALL VETERANS!