Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Why does Wall Street not tally "The Most Unhappy Companies" as if that doesn't effect Profitability?

Wouldn't you invest your cash in a happy versus Very Unhappy work force Company?

For instance, there was a biotech company in SSF in the 90s and almost all their "part time, no benes" employees Hated working there! They complained to me, their shuttle driver, constantly!  I had to quit that very depressing run on a large Corp campus after a year.

There is another very unhappy company in package delivery on the Peninsula. I use to work there, so I have old direct knowledge. You could Expect to be yelled at Every day ,if you didn't beat the computer in the office with just your brain, no list. If you did beat the office computer, they just added more packages the Next day! "Good work". I talk to the Drivers all the time, "is it still a 3way hate-fest between the drivers and near useless Union about such mundane things as bald tires in the Winter rain, and the Company?" "Yes" is always the answer. Do the night loaders still "toss" your half to 3/4 load on occasionally instead of the "rough sort"?
The answer is always "Yes", in spite of the Union! Recently there was an Employee Driver shooting in the "hub" building; I could have told you that was bound to happen! The stock was private and only managers not drivers could buy it. Then the biggest IPO in US history!

There's another Very unhappy company on the Peninsula now. Employees tell me, "No one likes working here. No one likes their co-workers. It's amazing we get along." People are quitting all the time, in a hurry!  Yet it is a big luxury Corp campus. As an investor, I would think this should be valuable public information. Wonder if Wall Street knows who?  Do you know which very unhappy company this is?

I'm not talking the usual very overpaid, second gear tech company. Spoiled selfish yuppies.