Wednesday, April 24, 2019

2018 SF "said" they were hiring "50 additional aborists for all the city tree pruning" and lots of dead trees. Looking at the public trees, i sure don't "see" it !!

Take 280N into the SE quarter and come elevated littered freeway down to King st at 5th.
Look on the Left at all those center divide trees that need pruning or have broken branches, just on South side of Caltrain.

It's like the simple job of sidewalk cleaning, preferably steam cleaning at night over just power washing, at this grossgrimy stage.
Downtown, Tenderloin, Soma somewhat, and Chinatown. Easy right?
Instead of "saying" and actually doing it, SF hires a PR firm for flat out lying.

I expect much more from the Mayor's and Board of Supes. You?