Friday, April 19, 2019

SF has new plans for crooked Lombard Street. "Reservations and Fees!" Is this going to help? NO

SF #1 biz, by far far far, is Tourism. Not banks, insurance companies or $300/hr law offices.

But there are so many SuperRich in SF who thing they are thus so Special, and like their private property house rights extend into the public street or the public park across the street as "Theirs!". With so many politicians running around begging for $$$$$, and  "campaign contributions", payola you can see plainly how the SuperRich get so Confused and Spoiled, next to Lombard Street or the Palace of Fine Arts lovely public park or Alamo Square public park. Not theirs, but Ours.

Ok, rich selfish silly people, let me have it!(your compaints, whining, $=votes nonsense)...