Saturday, September 29, 2007

Here in the 'wild west', California has lots of false front companies,,,

"California Parlor Car Tours" in SF currently in 2007 does not have any buses or drivers, yet is selling on the web like it did, after a bad accident outside Yosemite last year on 120west. Very sad for such a once-famous company.

"Tower Tours" sold its bus operation out of SF to a Seattle-based company, "(some thing)-Western", yet is still using the old name, even tho the rich South Korean former owner is just doing hotel desk bookings. The gay new construction?-millionaire owner has the Tauck Tours contract, but seems to hire others companies rejects, like the latest one with a huge anti-social hair-trigger temper.

Grey Line , Coach USA, San Francisco Sightseeing,,,that company,,, has yet invented another name to market/hide behind, besides the old Franciscan,,,it may be "Coach America",,,Why so many names for the same mediocre-standard, money-grubbing , usually dented dusty dirty and late ,smoking driver huge bus company?

Consumers must ALWAYS ask,,,do you actually have a bus and a driver ,,,and do the tour ? What is your insurance and safety record? Do you guarantee ,in writing to me, that your drivers follow the letter and spirit of the federal DOT law on hours and state laws , so that ALL YOUR DRIVERS are guaranteed at least 9 hour off each 24 hours of work availability,,,,so that they AND WE,,,will be safe and not victims of the frenquent fall-asleep-at-the-wheel USA national syndrome?? Do you pay competitive wages to all your employees ,such as overtime and full benefits, or just non-competitive wages like $10/hr period??

Or are you just one of sooo many brokers and bookies ,passing yourself off as the actual operator, just to get a slice of the money, and then resell the ignorant client to ,,,any farmed out or subbed out second or third rate outfit??