Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How can Chevron make all this 2007-2008 profit,,,and have such small dividends ??

Wall Street is full of thieves like the Gordon Gecko character in the movie with Michael Douglas. The usa media is letting these risk-shifters off the hook for the responsibility of our current and past economic woes. They are even asking these theives for ADVICE on how to fix the problemS Wall Street created, with the help of lobbyist-bought Congress !!

I had a series 6 mutual fund license with the n.a.s.d. and saw first hand ,up close how corrupt and with full knowledge Corporate America got us into this mess. I complained to the s.e.c. that a coworker was forging 'with customer phone permission' the signatures on mutual fund change of allocation paperwork, a simple and obvious no-no, and the s.e.c. did not prosecute this guy who was the no.1 salesman for an insurance company now owned by a.i.g. , yikes. Sooo glad i got out before the company buyout by aig!! Reeks.

While still in the insurance racket ,i talked years ago with a rep. from Arthur Andersen about his accounting company and he told me EVERYONE ,including Senators, knew that they were paid to lie just like s+p, moody's, and and all the other financial rating agencies,,,and paid very very well thank you very much ,as he and his wife were going around the usa looking for a vacation home to purchase.

The usa media may show shock and surprise at the depth of the dishonesty and outright fraud on Wall Street and Corporate usa, but these newcasters have college degrees and inside contacts like i did before giving up my series 6 license, and have no excuse for being used as propaganda tools and character assassins like we saw on Frontline's show on Lee Atwater and the Republican lying 'stealth' scum he worked for,,, Reagan,,,Bush 1,,,Bush 2,,,etc.