Friday, June 26, 2009

AT&T in its and Yellow Pages phone books,,,combines 2 completely different services under one heading:"carpet and rug cleaning" , why?

Carpet cleaning is usually where someone comes to you house or apartment and has a mobile steam cleaning unit, like "Stanley Steemer" , my favorite reliable honest professional and reasonable at $99 special for 2 carpeted rooms and a hallway.

Rug cleaning is where you roll up an area rug and put it in the trunk or back seat, take it to a rug cleaning factory operation, where they clean it on the concrete floor with hoses and brush soap on both sides or put it thru a machine that sprays soapy water on it and then a rinse,,,with both hang drying for 7-10 days. Most rug cleaners will pick up and return your area rugs ,for a fee, say $95 to clean a 7ft x 9ft area rug, with the optional $50-75 fee for pickup and return.

These are two totally different services,,,for two totally different kinds of floor coverings. Yet , AT%T lumps them together. And they have done away with the green pages index,even on the website !! This is not progress. Carpet cleaning,and only carpet cleaning mobile services, belongs under the "c"s,,,and rug cleaning factories belong under the letter "r". Most of America is smart enough to handle that, i hope.