Friday, June 12, 2009

The Feds are pushing the destruction of the dollar and inflation over deflation, which some experts like mr. weiss recommend instead

Do the Feds know what they are doing? What if , in making the dollar near worthless, the world chooses another currency as the world currency? Pretty risky brinkmanship, by a bunch of Free Market-Excess Executive pay-Deregulators. They certainly are not honest about the increase in the national deficit and debt, according to experts like mr. weiss. And most now know the so-called "stress test" was a sham , a con, a weak test so all would pass.

Shareholders now have a voice, only advisory, in executive pay, when as the cash for share paper owners should have a more than advisory say in executive pay. Shareholders, not the usual rubber stamp boards, should control executive pay,,,but that probably won't happen even with the new Democratic President and Democratic Congress,spineless as the Republicans when it comes to doing the right thing vs the easy/nothing.