Sunday, September 12, 2010

And,,,Now,,,for something totally different,,,Let's make fun of San Francisco Bay Area's TRADER JOE'S shoppers !!

Did you know?,,,
Trader Joe's can't keep in stock such delicacies as flavored olive oil and pepper jelly and flavored balsamic vinegar,,,because their customers,,,GET THIS!,,,"ONLY WANT PLAIN CREAM CHEESE ON THEIR BAGELS, WITHOUT PEPPER JELLY,,,AND ONLY EVER USE REGULAR VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, NOT FLAVORED VIRGIN OIL OIL, ON ANYTHING" ,,,!!

What boring shoppers,,, and palates !! 
How little food/culinary imagination !!
They are still parking in the Safeway lot, just shopping on the other side !!  They will never be worthy of a Whole Foods store selection and assortment of fine foods.


The poor rut-loving sheepish shoppers even don't have a use for FLAVORED BALSAMIC VINEGAR !!  Like 'fig and date',,or 'vanilla and fig',,,or,,,
Just plain-jane, unimaginative, boring, same old same old, "just the regular,,,hold the flavor and imagination and taste adventure,,,white bread you-are-probably-this-pathetic-in-bed-too,please" choices.


A possible solution: cooking demos and recipe sheets !!