Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"You are a lousy parent !!",,,if you can't keep your kid from screaming in public,,,if you don't make sure your kid does his homework EVERY DAY,,,and

"YOU ARE A TERRIBLE PARENT !!",,,if you  tell a public school teacher ,,, "i work all day, it is your job to educate my kid, not my job."  Yes, there are many many black brown and white parents who actually say this,,,all the time.

Most super-rich parents SUCK because they think getting their adult jollies making $Millions each year is more important than good time-consuming parenting.  As a limo driver i see this ,,, all the time!!

If you 'think' that it is your right to allow your kid to scream in public, for 2 solid hours, on planes trains and buses ,and in theaters ,shopping malls , and restaurants!!, "You STINK at parenting ,,,and should be sent by a judge to MANDATORY parenting classes,,,and FINED !!"

If you have not read at least 2 books on childbirth, completely, before giving birth, then you, DUMB-ASS,,,"YOU ARE A LOUSY PARENT",,,and might consider getting a stuffed pet ,,,instead.  And if you have not read at least 2 books on Parenting, in the first half of pregnancy, then "You too will probably create a drug addict or a felon, instead of a balanced responsible child, AND YOU BETTER NOT BE MY PARENT, DUMB-ASS!!"

If you spoil your child/children and let them do WHATEVER They want,,,"You suck at parenting!!"('oh, he only eats cheerios'),,,and need to enroll in Parenting Classes,,,and probably seek THERAPY!!

Why aren't we teaching this in high schools, when this is critical to the health of our American society,,,?  'No child left behind', Bush Jr's failed idea, does not even have the time to teach HAND WASHING !!  Is it those conservative, right-to-life freaks ?