Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What are the THREE SMALL SIMPLE TASKS that are critical to American society,,,that Obama and the Democrats seem unable to do,,,and show that CORPORATIONS RUN CONGRESS !!

First, we have lost the ability to phone and find out the correct time , HOUR MINUTE AND SECOND , for free. "popcorn" was the word to dial in California  from home lines. Yes, some but not all cellphones automatically tell you the correct time, but NOT TO THE SECOND.  We all need to know ,EXACTLY, what time it is !!  If the 3 major morning news shows won't put it on the tv ,,,and Comcast and others won't provide it for free,,,IT NEEDS TO BE REQUIRED BY LAW.  Hour ,minute, and second !

Second, we also need to go back a few years and be able to TAKE UNROLLED CHANGE INTO A BANK AND GET IT IN BILLS OR ADDED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. This is so bone-head basic, but the Bankers still control Congress, not Obama or Pelosi, or our elected Senators and Representatives.  This is small, simple, and basic.  Necessary!!

Bush Jr's 'no child left behind' national education policy, that most teachers don't like and see as a lock-step failure, does not ALLOW THE TIME TO TEACH EVERY CHILD THAT MULTIPLE HAND WASHING EVENTS WITH SOAP AND WATER AT THE SINK ARE CRITICAL TO PERSONAL HEALTH AND PUBLIC HEALTH !!  How often do YOU see men,,,or women ,,, leave a public restroom WITHOUT WASHING THEIR HANDS?!! I was at a restaurant recently and saw a RESTAURANT WORKER leave the men's toilet WITHOUT USING THE SINK, WATER OR SOAP !!  I immediately told the California restaurant manager. 

And if you want a 4th, a 'public option'.

President Obama, show us you are the President ,,, not just some loquacious black guy ,,, bench-warming the Oval Office.

Nancy Pelosi, why is there no single California politician with the high priority of CLEANING UP SAN FRANCISCO BAY ??