Monday, July 04, 2011

How can the current party in control, the Democrats, and the past party , the Republicans, allow our once great public education system to be destroyed from inside by bankruptcy due to public school administrators allowed to make more than the President, take 'golden parachutes' and 'golden handshakes' and outrageous pay, benefits and pensions for decades !!??

Why are they making a good education, especially a good college education, unaffordable for most people ?  Back in the late 1960s a 4 year education at a second tier state college cost $400 in tuition,,, and , for me, about $4000 in private book store (vs  student union non-profit control) cost for textbooks.  Yes, back then we 'subsidized' the one private book store ,off campus, at SJSC at too high a cost.  But now the entire Nation's public education system is at risk, and both parties, Democrat and Republican, seem to be equally to blame for allowing it to happen.

Why would President Clinton, a Democrat, so something so Un-Democratic Party and yet so Republican Party, as to end the Great Depression's most valued fiscal lesson of the Glass- Stegal Act !!?  And also loosen the regulation of Wall Street, against the greater national public interest ,,,!??  It makes no sense.

It is not just greed and ambition and a foolish electorate that voted ,again, for a movie star governor like Arnold, who promised us 'no tax increases' yet left the state of California in near bankrupt, so much worse financial state ,,, and lack of leadership state with a state legislature clearly opposed to the best interests of the citizens of California , but more interested in campaign contributions from unethical hostile corporations, foreign and domestic.  Our budget was late 100 days at a cost of something like $56M/day,,, and now Arnold has to face the music of cheating on a Kennedy his entire term-Yikes!!

Who are our domestic enemies, to the public interest, removed of convenient labels that don't stand for anything anymore, like Democrat or Republican ?