Monday, July 18, 2011

Saw the last of the Harry Potter movie series last night ,,, and the End of HeWhoShouldNotBeNamed Voldemort. Kinda reminds me of our current situation with the minority Republican party ,,, flexing its stupid unkind short-sighted muscles to the detriment of the entire Nation ,,,

Even on NPR this morning, KQED radio, there was some un-grounded, irrelevant, fantasy-world Economist and Professor saying "This is definitely not the time to raise taxes on the rich corporations with enormous profits or individuals making 10-20-50-100$ Million dollars ,every year, because THESE ARE THE PEOPLE (yeah, paper corporations are the same as 'people',,, that is a current self-deception big bad lie) WHO MAKE ALL THE NEW JOBS WITH SMALL BUSINESS STARTS."

If that were true(it is sooo obviously UNTRUE,,,) ,,, THEN DON'T YOU THINK WE WOULD BE SEEING MUCH MORE JOB CREATION, WITH THIS OVER 10 FAILED EXPERIMENT IN HUGE TAX CUTS MAINLY TO BENEFIT THE RICH ,,,?  This often repeated defense of our terrible current situation has been proven , year after painful year for most of USa, to be UNTRUE !!

And yet the Republican Party keeps saying it and the tv and radio commentators keep letting them get away with THIS HUGE BIG BAD LIE!  OK, so i see a similarity with the movie's 'DeathEaters' and the Republican Party, don't you ?  The 'DeathEaters' would take away any good feeling you had, make you very miserable, and take you to a terrible place called (Greece)'Azkaban',,, and the Republican National Party wants to end Social Security and Medicare, ending/ killing possibly thousands of (poorer,but not Rich) Americans, before their time, had we kept those 2 programs and say, ended all Middle East military unilateral action in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan immediately.  And closed all the tax loopholes and rifleshots. Ended all farm subsidies.  Ended all  Big Oil Industry subsidies that they want but clearly do not need.  Return to pre-weak-mind Reagan Progressive taxation ,,,

Oh, yeah, and kill more poor elderly seniors.  Yep, that sounds like 'DeathEaters' to me!!

Notice how 'Voldemort' is willing , he says, to kill everyone who does not 'come over to his side' in this final Harry Potter movie and attacks and destroys the beloved huge castle of Hogwarts School ?
Doesn't that sound just like the Republicans , willing to drive the USa over the fiscal cliff, because a Republican President Bush JR., and even 'Ray-guns' before him, started us down this terrible path of pampering and pandering to the whims of the very small minority,super-Rich Corps and individuals, like these fund managers who make $1Billion/year and only pay the minimum 15% tax ?  

WHERE ARE ALL THESE NEW JOBS THESE TAX BREAKS ARE SUPPOSE TO CREATE !!?  Instead , the head of the Republican Party, 'B', is going to trash this once proud Nation and crash us like Greece!  That sounds a lot like 'Voldemort' to me! 
