Monday, May 14, 2012

What actually happens when an Apple store, in California their home state not Canada or Mexico or some 3rd world country, learns that they sold you a DEFECTIVE Apple computer? Silence.

I don't care what Apple SAYS should happen when a long time Apple customer is told by an Apple Store technician that his almost new Apple MacBook dual-core laptop is "defective" and has "factory corroded RAM terminals, very badly corroded".  I am talking about, you Apple shareholders and customers, what actually happened to me, a decades long purchaser of Apple products!  

I was told to get more RAM memory, so i bought some long green RAM circuit boards on the web. Then i made an appointment with a California Apple Store to install them, as i had been advised, and took my new dual-core MacBook in.  I had recently given my old single-core MacBook to my little sister.

The technician came out and told me i had "a lot of corrosion on the mounts for the RAM, in taking out the factory-installed RAM circuit boards".  I told him i had never had it opened before,it was so new, and it had not even been in the rain. I asked what Apple was going to do about all that from a China factory corrosion,,, and he said not to worry about it, if it still worked.  He installed my new net-purchased RAM long green cards.

When  i got home i decided to call Apple Corporate Headquarters, down the road in Silicon Valley at the south end of SFBay.  I talked to a woman and ,tho i was shocked and upset by the irresponsibility of what just happened, i calmly and politely explained that an Apple Store technician had just discovered "lots of corrosion under the factory installed RAM cards" in my new dual-core MacBook.  Silence.  A long silence.  So i asked straight out, "What is Apple going to do about this defective computer, your own staff says is defective from your Apple factory?"

Silence.  What if the Apple technician had not even told me about the Apple factory RAM corrosion?  What if it happens all the time, and technicians are told not to tell Apple customers about it?  A big rich successful company like Apple, with Billions in cash not going to shareholders or hiring more unemployed American workers, with 'silence' as an actual company response to their own defective products,,,
is shocking!