Thursday, May 17, 2012

Will ALL American Olympian Athletes sign a pledge not to smoke , before the 2010 London Olympic Games?

I was so shocked to see so many of the 'professional' ice skaters on the American touring ice skating show smoke cigarettes on the street in front of their hotels and behind the skating arena bleachers!!  Why do they put up with an addiction that reduces their skating athletic performance and life!?  Just shocking. Can't they get help?

It is not my job or desire to 'out' these famous wealthy American and International athletes, in ice skating or any other sport.  They should quit for their own health and maybe their good example.  But when it comes to taxpayer supported teams ,like the U.S. Olympic Teams, i think it is perfectly fine for the American paying public to insist on certain health standards, like no illegal drugs and no plots to break another skater's legs!

I have seen official Olympic Coaches smoke cigarettes in front of junior U.S. Olympic athletes!!  How can the USOC and the IOC allow this!?   Smoking in front of students is not allowed for teachers at public schools,is it?,,, so then why do we have such a much lower standard for our professional and amateur athletes, especially U.S. Olympic athletes?

I was at the 2002 SLC/Salt Lake City Olympics and am very aware of Mitt Romney being the 'leader' and the transportation sub-contractor cheating all the hundreds of bus drivers hired for this major national event, by promising them $18 and then only paying $9/hr. and working them a very unsafe and federally illegal 20hrs/day, from 6am-2am, day after day. We had been 'promised' no more than a 12hr work day. There was the bribery scandal with Salt Lake City and the new freeway fiasco.  And the 'only 2ft of snow at 7000ft' can't talk about lousy winter snow fall, media blackout,,,

All American athletes participating in the London 2012 Olympic Games should promise to immediately quit and career term abstain from the massive health and performance destruction of smoking cigarettes or cigars or any nicotine substance!  Not just as good examples as American Olympic Athletes, but for their own bad addiction-elimination health.