Friday, February 19, 2016

American military officer contracts should be 4yrs, not 8, except if you actually do get "baittease "jets". That 8 yr Naval officer contract I signed , for bum-rush Vietnam, was way too unnecessarily long.

The American military is chock full of SM jerks, power trippers, and outright morons with rank on you. Social deviates. High school dropouts and "social promos". Guilty felons a judge cost-saving diverted to the military. And a fatal case of TB that might kill you in a month.

My Dad was a Naval officer in ww2 and did about 4 years, enough to get a Bronze Star and a Silver Star and be a freakin' early Seal Navy hero in the South Pacific. And he did it in about 4 years. Underpaid cuz under-ranked as only a ltjg. But still, a big hero in 4 years. Not 8.