Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bernie Saunders, a true progressive, is going to have to tell Hillary to explain how she can call herself a "progressive" or stop lying about something so important.

And do you Americans really want just any "woman as President", especially a woman like Hillary who allows her husband Bill Clinton to maritally cheat on her so often that he embarassed the entire Nation with his big lie on national tv "I did not have sexual relations with that woman,,,Monica Lewinsky !"
It went to the Supreme Court.

Secretary of State does not reverse all the damage done by the Clintons to the Nation by signing NAFTA and killing Glass-Steagal, and Lord know what other nefarious dirty deeds. Historians are cowards waiting for all the players to die before they reinterpret the past.

Please let us not embarass ourselves with more personality cripples like Nixon, LBJ, the Bush's, and passive lazy weak un-courageous leaders like Obama who talked "single payer" and "public option" but so under-perform for someone so intelligent and well educated and black, and yet betrays us all so easily, who is throwing the USA to the corporate dogs by signing a super-bad trade deal, the TPP.

Democrats are a huge second party disappointment; lets just say "conservative" or "liberal" or "progressive" from now on. The Democrats have dishonored the 2  Party System so much recently, if you read about coin tosses in Iowa and bought sellout "superdelegates" in New Hampshire.

I expected so much more from Obama, even if he didn't. He probably is proud of his slack, white banker buddy Presidency. Tragic waste of opportunity. The USA is falling behind, more and more. And you are ok with this !?