Saturday, February 20, 2016

Rumor has it the Ca. EDD is giving the chronically unemployed a no test, which is as hard as some college classes, free Class B bus DRIVERS license.

Why California has made the "Commercial" class A truck /semi and class B/bus, driver license test so hard makes no sense. Most Californians couldn't pass it. Even ones with college degrees.

So to give the irresponsible, really don't want to work, mentally ill with bipolar disease, former heroin addicts and crack addicts and cocaine addicts, careless , poorly educated high school dropouts a Class B bus drivers license is very bad judgement and irresponsible by a state agency know for lying and cheating the honestly unemployed in this once better State.

A common tactic at EDD is to pay you a small monthly benefit. Then demand it back, in EDD court before some corrupt EDD judge. And you are forced to PAY BACK your "legal unemployment insurance benefits". Happens all the time in California.

The bigger question is, do you want your children riding that school district's cheap subcontractor bus ,,, with one of these did not pass the DMV test, very mentally ill, very irresponsible, former hard drug addicts, by the State EDD ?  (hint: ask Delancy Street)