Tuesday, March 07, 2017

California must make full amends for the National Disgrace of forced unauthorized Sterilization, like N. Carolina. It is heinous that some churches still misinterpret the Bible and promote,still in 2017, the secret sterilization of individuals by MDs in licensed hospitals because you are found to have engaged in premarital sex and one abortion. Shame on these churches and Governor Jerry Brown, recently busted by the media for dirty oil industry deals.

Same goes for blacklisting in California; Yes, in 2010's it still happens and individuals are kept from working for more than a year in certain industries, like the Movies in the McCarthy years and Tourism now, because you might have taken your employer to the State Labor Commissioner for stolen wages. And legally won.

It, both, have happened to me in the SF Bay Area. Recently.

Does this not charge all good churches and all good people to do right in California?
I challenge all good churches and all good people to stop and confess permanently the horrible social injustices nowadays of secret doctor and hospital Sterilization and industry wide Blacklisting in California.

And gag order secret Court "Settlements"; We the Public must be informed of every injustice and widespread law breaking like common wage theft currently in California.
This is shameful ,a cover-up to protect rich companies, and little or no justice in forced "settlements".