Sunday, March 05, 2017

Virgin Limo: Don't apply to work there !!

Why not?

Drivers don't get tipped; So unnatural !!

Most Charter bus companies in SF area ask for an included Gratuity, that limo and bus companies regularly steal , in their hands, versus driver's.

ALWAYS TIP waiters and charter bus drivers DIRECTLY please !!

Driver are told to "fuel on your time not Virgin Limo company time."

Drivers in nice suits, clean white shirts and ties, and dress shoes are told in SSF,Ca. to "wash that Ford towncar on your own time" regularly.
There was no typical Mex. nightly wash crew, as at most limo, tour or charter bus companies.

Virgin Limo drivers near SFO are told to "standby in the (dumpy) drivers room,,, on your own time."

Why would so many already Rich people cheat working poor limo and charter drivers out of their common and customary tips !?

Why would any good driver continue to work for such a company !?

Why would any customer hire such an ODDBALL underpaid limo company !?!?
