Sunday, March 05, 2017

Why isn't there a SKIER'S TRAIN from Sacramento to Donner Pass And Truckee!? Highway 80 has been closed FOR DAYS this winter. Snow clearing has not always been Expertly done, with cars being damaged and even ground up !

We ,dependent on clean profitable tourism , need the California Coast passenger trains back, the luxury Daylight and the deluxe nightly Lark of the 1960s with first class dining cars and sleeper cars and wonderful all-black Porter's.

AMTRAK stinks!! ,on rented bumpy freight tracks !! Way too many deceptive "bus connections"!!

An expensive fast train in the Super polluted by pesticides and untested unhealthy chemicals San Joaquin Valley of boring crop scenery is A TOTAL WASTE OF TAX DOLLARS !!

We need a TV documentary to get people out of cars and Back on passenger only modern rails, without all the Big 4 fraud and Fed. tax dollar and land giveaway !!