Thursday, May 11, 2017

Apple stock may be Soaring, But Apple hides $Billions in Untaxed Profits Overseas, Depriving the USGOVT of $Millions in due Taxes !! So you like Rich Expensive Tax Cheats do ya!? Shocking.

IMy Sis has an iPhone; No big deal, and it is not "the best".
So go ahead, be another sheep, follow The Herd. Buy a Bm-er or a MBenz too. "baaa baaa baaa!"

I have the "Phone of the Year", the $340 on Amazon, ZTE Axon7.
Comes with a face skin and a clear 5-side bumper case.
I use an Anker backup battery.
One feature I really like is that there is no top or bottom to the power cord plug, no need to mark one, as with Samsung's connection.

Back to unpaid due Corporate taxes.
There are many "u.s." corporations hiding profits overseas; If there was a list, I would try to Boycott them all.
Just common thieves.
And you're abetting them?!
Talk about "stupid people"!!

It is bad enough that our State and Fed politician's votes are so easily bought, for as little as $10k in this State House and $20k in this State Senate.
Politician's don't seem to be embarrassed by this Corrupt practice.
That's how the Oil Industry skips paying over $2Billion Every Year in this , and only, State to Not have an "Oil Extraction Tax."
Caltrans Wasted over $6B on the massively flawed "new Oakland Bay Bridge."

Now you may think that Corp tax cheating doesn't matter.
Keep thinking that ,,, Every time you hit a pot hole in this Rich state.
Or as your Water rates by private ,for profit, water companies goes up , again and soon.
So PG&E may be advertising an 'apology' for Killing 8 and blowing up 38 nice homes in the San Bruno Gas Main Explosion, but our State politicians allowed them to raise their rates Twice versus pay out of their own pocket!!  That kind of thieving irresponsible Reputation never goes away, does it.

Wait till the next Recession/Depression, this year Weiss Report says, from the "Debt Bubble" to see if you "really don't care" about all these many Rich Corp tax cheats.
Or the Supreme Court ruling "citizens united" saying $ is votes.
Let's see when MILLIONS OF YOU  lose your jobs apts and Houses and any place to stay off the streets,,, if you really "don't care". Who you worry!?

Then you will truly be so Sorry for electing flippant trival Trump instead of a respected honorable person With values, like Dr. Jill of the Greens.

About now you are saying to yourselves "What Debt Crisis?"
We are so Busy working, earning...
Notice how US banks are still, still paying less than normal unfair interest, like 1% now on savings accounts?

Guess you better ask , huh?
"So WHAT Debt Crisis!?"